Lisbon, Ohio

Columbiana County Board of Commissioners                                            (330) 424-9511

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Mike Halleck

* 1987 - 1994:  Perry Township Trustee
* 1994 - 1999 & 2011 to Present: Columbiana County Commissioner
* 2007 - 2011:  Perry Township Trustee

* University of Kentucky, A.A
* Youngstown State University, B.A.

Organizations and Memberships:
* Perry Lodge * 185, F & A.M.
* Valley of Youngstown, 32nd Degree
* Columbiana County Farm Bureau
* District XI Office on Aging
* National Rifle Association

* County Commissioners Association of Ohio, Board of Directors
* Ohio Supreme Court Dispute Resolution Section


Roy Paparodis

*Salem City Council: 2014-2020
*Columbiana County Commissioner: 2021 - Present

Organizations and Memberships:
*Perry Lodge *185, F & A.M.
*Valley of Youngstown, 32nd Degree
*St. Pauls Church

*County Commissioners Association of Ohio

   Tim Weigle

*Unity Township Trustee: January 1, 1990---December 31, 2013
*Columbiana County Commissioner: January 2, 2012 to present

* Graduate East Palestine High School
* Rabassi Flight School
* Six Sigma Certification
* Leadership 2000

Organizations and Memberships:
* East Palestine F&AM 417
* Youngstown Consistory 32nd
* Youngstown Shrine Club
* Alliance Sport Parachute Club
* United States Parachute Association
* Columbiana County Farm Bureau
* Experimental Aircraft Association
* Aircraft Owner & Pilots Association
* National Rifle Association
* Buckeye Sherriff’s Association

* County Commissioners Association of Ohio
* Chairman 911 Technical Advisory Committee
* Member and Chairman Joint Board of Commissioners Multi-County Juvenile Attention System
* Eastern Ohio Development Alliance

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